Why My Husband Is Dope.

As I sit in my room reflecting on all of the wonderful things God has done in my life, the first thing that comes to my mind is always my family. The fact of the matter is that I have these five wonderful, kind, respectful, beautiful, smart, and talented children. But most importantly, I have been blessed with an amazing husband to raise them with. Seriously, he is as DOPE as they come! So I know that I am blessed because they don't get much doper than him.


It is a rare thing to find a black, handsome, smart, God-fearing, family oriented, honest, successful man (all the qualities that I look for) that is actively looking for a wife! Either they are already taken, not interested in settling down, or gay. I quickly learned that most men don't have all of those qualities at the same time until they find the one that they are destined to be with. Their QUEEN! Anyway, this post isn't about us but there is definitely a reason why I brought that up and maybe I will save that for another post. But first, let me tell you why my husband is dope.

We met in high school in the AOL chat rooms, instantly clicked, and became friends. Just when I thought things would get more serious between us, he messed it all up by caring about what another girl thought of him at prom. So I pulled back and put some distance in our friendship. Ever since that moment, he had always tried to reconnect with me. Finally, after years of online searching for me, he found me.

When Shaun (my husband) found me, God was still mending back the pieces of my broken heart but I never stopped being open to love. I knew that if I guarded myself that there was a possibility that I would miss out whoever God designed just for me. I wasn't willing to risk that. I suffered through a lot of hurts since Shaun last talked to me and I was even divorced with two kids. I had a hard time trusting men but I stayed optimistic about


what our relationship could be. I realized that when a man truly loves you, it doesn't matter what you've been through or the dirt you've done before you were with him. He will love you unconditionally for who you are and that is exactly what he did. I was able to see all that he was willing to do for me and my children. No one ever treated me like the queen that I know I am. So, I instantly fell in love with him.

Then, there was an incident between us (he wasn't faithful to me) which set our progression back a little bit. I really had to ask God to show me if I was wasting my time on this man. Soon after, Shaun’s apologies turned into actions, I was able to see that he didn't want to lose me, and he was willing to do whatever it took to make it up to me. It took some time but I was able to trust him again 100%. If you missed that one, I'll say it again. His apologies turned into actions (they weren't empty apologies). After a few months of dating, he asked me to be his wife and took on the responsibility of caring for my boys as if they were his own (which they now are).

I am still in awe of how amazing God is. As soon as I turned all of my attention on him, he blesses me with this man. This bachelor of a man that was really only halfway ready for me (he didn't yet have all the qualities I was looking for). But it wasn't my responsibility to push him along. God did it for me. He effortlessly prepared Shaun to be my husband.

Let's talk about the type of father that he is to my babies. He loves hard! He can be tough on our children but also sensitive, loving, caring, and very honest with them. With Shaun as their dad, they want for nothing. Oh, and I am so happy that I don't have to do this thing called parenting alone just because I am a stay at home mom (which is still work btw). Like I said....DOPE! I'm talking about the kind of man that works all day, comes home to more work, then takes over with the kids so that I can have a second to myself.


So yes! My husband is THE DOPEST BLACK MAN I know.....and he is also a handsome (sexxy motha shut ya mouth), loving, smart, honest, God-fearing, family oriented, successful black man. He is my KING!

Thanks for reading....Until next time... Lady Ki